Over Jon’s Shoulder #1: Glyph Frenzy

Patch 3.1 Brings Explosion of Demand for Glyphs


First of a new series of video, raw and unedited 🙂 Watch over my shoulder as I play the auction house, and explain what I’m doing… and why.

Today, the action is in glyphs, thanks to the explosion of demand for glyphs caused by:

  1. new glyphs introduced in patch 3.1
  2. dual specialization, so serious players need twice as many glyphs as before
  3. changes that buff quite a few pre-3.1 glyphs

So that all adds up to high prices, right?

Well… not exactly. While there are way more glyphs moving through the auction house this week, and demand is stronger than it has ever been before, the buzz about glyphs has also brought a lot of Scribes (Inscriptors?) into the auction house. And it seems like many of them haven’t go a clue what they’re doing.

And the result is: prices all over the map, and a lot of hair-pulling amongst those of us who are regulars in the auction house, and steady traders in glyphs.

Look over my shoulder to see how I’m handling this weirdness, and I’m sure you’ll find a few ideas you can use yourself for profit and gold.

Some of the key things to keep in mind…

  • You can’t afford to let inexperienced sellers kill the market with their drastic under-cutting: fight back!

Make 500 Gold per Hour With Glyphs

Look over my shoulder as I reveal my Glyph pricing secrets!


In this video on “Working the Glyph Market,” I give you an inside look at the exact techniques I use to make 500g and up per hour selling glyphs in the auction house.

Some of the key things to keep in mind…

  • Glyph prices are arbitrary, they have almost nothing to do with the cost of making the glyph
  • Your goal when selling glyphs in the auction house is to earn as much gold as possible
  • Undercutting your competition is not always the best approach
  • Establish realistic target price levels for each category of glyphs, and stick to these levels
  • You can make the market and establish high prices by persistently posting at high prices
  • You “win” in the auction house when you have more information than the other sellers
  • Focus on buying and selling the best-selling glyphs (Northrend glyphs, Minor glyphs, Death Knight glyphs)

Now watch the video, take some notes, then get out there and make some gold 🙂

Secret Warcraft Podcast Episode 3

Lunar Festival Hit and Miss, Patch 3.0.8 Profits, Server Economies

Win some and lose some, the big gold-maker at Lunar Festival is gone, but there are big profits to be made from patch 3.0.8 price volatility. Lots of questions from listeners, plus advice about evaluating server economies, in Secret Warcraft Podcast Episode #3 (running time 1:17:20).

  • Tip of the Week: Watch the action on your server’s auction house in real time, learn to profit
  • Power Gamer News: Patch 3.0.8, a new Auctioneer, and Borean Tundra server
  • Gold Making Calendar: Lunar Festival hits (achievements) and misses (Bind on Pickup patterns)
  • Hot/Not: Frozen Orbs, Darkmoon Cards and Decks (Nobles, Prisms etc.)
  • Question Time: choose a server with a healthy economy, make gold fast as a level 20, focus on one item at a time to master the auction house, manage your inventory efficiently

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