Over Jon’s Shoulder #4: Cross Faction

Cross Faction Trading Revives the Glyph Market

I kind of hate to keep harping on the glyphs market, since there are so many, many other opportunities you can set up for huge auction house profits. But glyphs have been such a big gold maker for me this year. And I know some of you are bummed out by the mess that has been created in this market niche since patch 3.1. So I can’t resist one more kick at the can, so you can see how I’m still making several hundred gold per day with glyphs, in spite of everything 🙂

Also, this gives me a chance to show you how to carry on cross-faction trading efficiently by using Auctioneer add-on’s “Arbitrage” search function. Once you’ve spotted a cross-faction trade opportunity, Auctioneer can simplify the process for you… a lot!

The main points to get out of this over-my-shoulder demo include:

  1. there are a lot of inexperienced sellers dumping high-value glyphs at low prices
  2. it’s very likely that you’ll see big differences in pricing between the Horde and Alliance factions on your server
  3. you can take advantage of the situation to make massive gold profits fast
  4. Auctioneer Advanced has an “Arbitrage” searcher module that can help you do cross-faction trades more easily
  5. you still need to rely on your own tracking skills and item knowledge (rather than Auctioneer’s average price data) to maximize your profits… even though the margins on cross-faction trades may be enormous

Now, if you don’t know anything at all about cross-faction trading, watch this video closely, and I think you’ll get the idea. Then run over to my Massive Gold Blueprint site and get my MGB gold guide videos, x-faction is one of the power techniques I explain in detail in the Blueprint method.

Happy gold making!

– Jon

Over Jon’s Shoulder #3: World Events

How I Make Gold From World Event Limited Items

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I love to make gold from limited items that are available only during world events in WoW… like the Noblegarden event just finished, and Children’s Week which is on now.

In this episode of “Over My Shoulder,” I’m showing the various approaches that work for me in making profits from event quest and vendor items, including:

  • Elegant Dress
  • Delicious Chocolate Cake
  • Small Eggs (again!)
  • Northern Eggs
  • Red and Green Helper Boxes

The basic tactics are pretty simple.

1. Buy stuff that will be needed during a world event, before the event arrives, then sell to desperate buyers on the first day of the event (Small Eggs for Winter Veil, Mageroyal for Children’s Week)
2. Buy limited and rare items that are only available during an event, then sell them throughout the rest of the year, when they are almost impossible to get (Elegant Dress from Noblegarden, Helper boxes and Snowman Kits from Winter Veil)

Extra tip:

There’s a LOT to do during Children’s Week, with some extended quest series giving really sweet rewards (pets etc.). Here’s an excellent online guide to help you get it all done:

Over Jon’s Shoulder #2: Alternatives

Auction House Meltdown? Find Gold Making Alternatives


Auction house regulars are nearly all seeing the same thing, on all servers: since Patch 3.1, inexperienced players with no clue what they’re doing in the auction house have flooded some of the best gold-making niches. They’ve ruined the market for previously steady profit-makers like metals, glyphs and faction-exclusive cooking recipes.

Worst of all, they come armed with fresh installs of the Auctioneer plug-in… and the dangerous belief that they can make auction house gold by letting Auctioneer run the show with mindless undercutting.

You can scream in frustration at the temporary loss of gold flow from your established profit pipelines (and it is temporary). Or… you can shift ground, move on to different gold-making items, seek out new profit pipelines where the auctioneer-kiddies aren’t looking.

Watch over my shoulder in the auction house, and I’ll show you a few possibilities I’m working on, hopefully give your some ideas you can use.

For example:

  • Limited Supply – if your “regulars” have gone bad, look at other similar items that may have been overlooked
  • Market Niches – if your favorite category of trade goods has been killed by over-supply, check out other niches that were cold a couple of months ago… and may be heating up now – such as Dream Shards, Runecloth etc.